Title: "Mystical Butterfly Garden: A Mandala Coloring Experience" Step into the enchanting realm of Midjourney's mystical Butterfly Garden where intricate mandala-style butterflies flutter about, eagerly awaiting your vibrant touch. Create a captivating coloring page outline that makes it effortlessly simple for colorists to fill the design with their chosen hues, without the need for shading or shadows. Description: Immerse yourself in the symmetrical beauty of mandala-inspired butterflies and exotic flowers that bloom with ethereal grace. Design a coloring page that celebrates the intricate patterns of these winged wonders, inviting colorists of all skill levels to indulge in a therapeutic coloring experience. Remember to include the following key elements: - An outer circle or shape that defines the boundaries of the mandala. - Intricate mandala-inspired butterflies, depicted in various angles and poses, fluttering amidst lush florals. - Delicate designs within butterfly wings to add depth and pattern to your design. - Exquisite botanical elements like exotic flowers, leaves or vines that intertwine with the butterflies. - Sufficient space to allow color experimentation and creative expression. Focus on clean and smooth lines to ensure an uninterrupted coloring experience. Your aim is to provide colorists with the sheer delight of bringing vibrant hues to the intricate designs, resulting in a stunning representation of Midjourney's mystical Butterfly Garden. --no color