Create a series of whimsical cartoon illustrations for a 'Midjourney Pirates' coloring book. The illustrations should depict a group of mischievous pirates who have paused their adventurous voyage to engage in playful games and comical antics. Design scenes where the pirates are engrossed in games like 'Pirate's Parley Pictionary,' 'Walk-the-Plank Limbo,' and 'Treasure Hunt Charades.' Capture the hilarity as pirates make exaggerated and comical facial expressions, showcasing their reactions to the games and their opponents' antics. Portray the pirates in amusing and exaggerated body positions, such as a burly pirate attempting to limbo under a plank while holding a tankard of grog. Ensure that the illustrations are in a black and white cartoon style, with clean lines and clear details that invite coloring. Each illustration should radiate the fun, camaraderie, and lightheartedness of these midjourney pirates as they take a break from their swashbuckling escapades for a bit of hilarious revelry